The “Heal the Planet” series depicts our world’s massive ecological crises. It follows underrepresented readers as they engage in safe interactions with their local environments. “Our planet is experiencing unprecedented changes,” says Augustine, “and children demand that we respond compassionately to the interconnected suffering of plants, animals, and human beings.”

Hope for the Honeybees (Book 1)
February 23, 2017

Hope has always been afraid honeybees. But honeybees find her wherever she goes! During a dream, Hope discovers that she can speak to honeybees. Then, through honeybee messages, and her own research, Hope learns that the world's honeybees have been mysteriously disappearing since 2006. Join Hope as she creates a honeybee garden on the top of her apartment building. Hope for the Honeybees is Book 1 in the Heal the Planet series.

Whales of Wonder (Book 2)
October 2017

Crystal's weekly trip to the beach with her Dad is suddenly interrupted by a beached whale. The event draws a crowd and makes the local newspaper. Why are whales around the world beaching themselves? Crystal can't find the answer, but she learns that whales are wondrous creatures with soothing songs, deep wisdom, and the magic ability to "fly" out of the ocean! Join Crystal as she volunteers to help clean up the local beach. Whales of Wonder is Book 2 in the Heal the Planet series.